Welcome to Retiro Maya

Retiro Maya: Your Ultimate Vacation Oasis in Tulum

Discover the perfect retreat for your next family vacation, romantic rendezvous, or memorable friend gatherings at Retiro Maya. Nestled amidst the stunning natural beauty of Tulum, our vacation rental accommodations offer unparalleled experiences. Immerse yourself in turquoise ocean waters, powdery white sands, and captivating sunsets, all enveloped by lush tropical jungle surroundings.

Our Amenities

Facilities & Services

High Speed Wifi

Enjoy fast and reliable internet access throughout the premises

Best Location

Our hotel boasts the best location on Tulum beach.



Explore our acommodations

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377 Keahole St C2, Honolulu, HI

By Car

Approximately 15 minutes from Patanga Highway and 10 mins from Kotom Airport

By Plane

Approximately 15 minutes from Patanga Highway and 10 mins from Kotom Airport

Come enjoy turquoise ocean waters, pristine white sand, breathtaking sunsets, and lush tropical jungle,

the natural setting surrounding Retiro Maya.

Book one of our vacation rentals for half the price of a hotel, and feel just as you would at home

sleeping to the soothing sound of ocean waves, and enjoying the peaceful setting that Tulum offers.

Best Beach Hotel

Best Accommodations on Tulum Beach

Why Stay at Retiro Maya

Retiro Maya maintains the best of traditional values while continually introducing new service standards and the latest technology as befits the modern world. Guests have the assurance of friendly and highly professional staff making them feel at home away from home.

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